
GhastAbout 2 min


Here's the index where I'll be detailing every transformer one by one. This should help you grasp a bit what's happening behind the scenes and how such transformations are effective against reverse engineering.

We'll be going over the following index:

  • Number Obfuscation
  • String Encryption

Number Obfuscation

Lets assume the following scenario:

  • xx is the number we wish to encrypt
  • nn is the "seed" of the block
  • dd is the encryped number

According to simple xor mechanics: xnn=xx\oplus n\oplus n=x

So, by definition, if nn is our seed, at runtime we must compute dd such as d=xnd = x\oplus n. Then, we must modify the bytecode instruction such as:

int value = x;


int value = d ^ n;

Where dd is the value computed ahead of time in the form of a constant and nn the opaque predicate. Eg:

int value = 5;


int predicate = 0x100;
int value = 105 ^ predicate;

String Encryption

String encryption relies on three basic conditions before being able to be processed:

  1. The string constant must be available in the constant pool
  2. The string constant must be formatted under UTF-8
  3. The string must not be empty

With the such, we are able to inject a symmetric encryption system inside the code to be able to obscure the string from typical decompiler/dissassemblers.

Xor Algorithm

As of right now, we use a simple xor algorithm which is quite resilient to be able to compute our encrypted string. Whilst this algorithm is mathematically of the poorest quality, and could be cracked most likely in polynomial time if not linear time, our objective here is to propose an easy and proof-of-concept implementation of how an opaque predicate can harden string encryption. In future versions of Skidfuscator, we will make use of a polymorphic engine.

The algorithm currently functions this way:

Let fy(x)=xynf_y(x)=x\oplus y\oplus n represent the encryption and decryption method for a character in a String for a given nn and mmaxm_{max} of 255

y=imodmy=i\mod m

where ii represents the index of the character in the String, mm represents the size of the random integer array with random "keys", nn represents the integer opaque predicate, xx the character at the index ii of the String.

By definition:

fy(fy(x))=xynyn=xyynnfy(fy(x))=x\begin{align} f_y(f_y(x))&=x\oplus y\oplus n\oplus y\oplus n\\ &=x\oplus y\oplus y\oplus n\oplus n\\ f_y(f_y(x))&=x \end{align}

Hence we obtain a usable encryption/decryption algorithm which is hardened by an opaque predicate and a suite of integer keys stored locally. The implementation may be seen hereopen in new window